The CallStack widget displays the contents of the algorithm’s call stack. This can be very useful when visualizing recursive algorithms.

For each frame in the call stack, the widget displays the name of the procedure, its input variables, and, if appropriate, the return value of the procedure that just returned. The widget does nothing in edit mode


Here is a very small example. It’s the standard recursive implementation of the factorial function. To visualize it, we include a Controls widget and CallStack widget.


<div id="controls"></div>
<div id="callstack"></div>


new Vamonos.Visualizer({
    widgets: [
        new Vamonos.Widget.Hardcoded({ n: 6, watch: "n" }),
        new Vamonos.Widget.Controls({ container: "controls1" }),
        new Vamonos.Widget.CallStack({ container: "callstack1" }),

    algorithm: function (_) {
        with (this) {
            _(1);   if (n <= 1) {
            _(2);       return n;
            _(3);   } else {
            // Store ret in order to see the callstack return.
            _(4);       ret = n * main({n: n-1}); 
            _(5);       return ret;


Snapshots happen only when the _ line function is called. So we have broken up the tail calls return procName(...) into two statements var res = procName(...); return res and called the _ line function in between so that we can see the chain of returns. If we had left the tail calls as simply return procName(...), you would see the call stack grow step by step, but then vanish completely in one frame.

Basic Constructor Options

You can create a CallStack widget with the Vamonos.Widget.CallStack constructor. It accepts the following arguments:


Adding the procedureNames option to the example from above:

new Vamonos.Widget.CallStack({
    container: "callstack",
    procedureNames: { main: "RecursiveFactorial" }

In the next example, we’ve adapted the mutually recursive even/odd example from the previous chapter. The main function is displayed with the name even.

new Vamonos.Visualizer({
    widgets: [
        new Vamonos.Widget.Hardcoded({ n: 9, watch: "n"}),
        new Vamonos.Widget.Controls({ container: "controls3" }),
        new Vamonos.Widget.CallStack({
            container: "callstack3",
            procedureNames: { main: "even" }

    autoStart: true,

    algorithm: {
        main: function (_) {
            with (this) {
                _(1);   if (n == 0) {
                _(2);       return true;
                        } else {
                _(4);       var res = global.odd({n: n-1});
                _(5);       return res;
        odd:  function (_) {
            with (this) {
                _(1);   if (n == 0) {
                _(2);       return false;
                        } else {
                _(4);       var res = global.main({n: n-1});
                _(5);       return res;

Next page: The array widget