

The Graph widget provides graph input functionality. It uses GraphDisplay for functionality that is not related to input.

Arguments are shared with inner objects:

Constructor Arguments

container :: String jQuery Selectorrequired

The id or a jQuery selector of the div in which this widget should draw itself.

varName :: Stringrequired

the name of variable that this widget represents

animateEdgeFlips :: Boolean – default value: false

whether edges flip ostentatiously when they switch source and target

arrowLength :: Number – default value: 6

the length of arrows in directed graphs

arrowWidth :: Number – default value: 6

the width of arrows in directed graphs

background :: Object – optional

an image to use as the background of the graph. Args come in as an object { source: STRING, callback: OPTIONAL-FUNCTION }. If callback is provided, it must be a function taking a d3 selector.You can specify seperate images for edit and display mode by providing an object such as { display: { source: STRING, callback: OPTIONAL-FUNCTION } edit: { source: STRING, callback: OPTIONAL-FUNCTION }

bezierCurviness :: Number – default value: 15

the curviness of bezier curves in this graph

containerMargin :: Number – default value: 30

how close vertices can get to the container edge

defaultEdgeAttrs :: Object – optional

A mapping of attribute names to default values for new edges created in edit mode.

defaultGraph :: Graph – optional

the initial graph, as a Vamonos.DataStructure.Graph

defaultVertexAttrs :: Object – optional

A mapping of attribute names to default values for new vertices created in edit mode.

draggable :: Boolean – default value: true

whether vertices can be moved

edgeCssAttributes :: Object – default value: {}

provides a way to change CSS classes of edges based upon the values of variables or the edges themselves. You provide a mapping of classnames to functions or strings. The function simply needs to take an edge and return a boolean (whether to apply the class). The string is a pairing of variable names in the form 'u->v' or 'u<->v' for undirected graphs.

For Example:

edgeCssAttributes: {
    green: function(edge){
        return ( ===
            || (edge.source.pred ===
    red: "u->v",
edgeLabel :: String Function Object – optional

a string, containing the name of the edge attribute to displayor a function taking an edge and returning a string to display. one can also specify whether to show certain things in edit or display mode by using an object.

For Example:

edgeLabel: { display: 'w', edit: function(e){ return e.w } },
edgeLabel: 'w',
edgeLabel: function(e){ return e.w + "!" },

editable :: Boolean – default value: true

whether the graph allows user input

editableEdgeAttrs :: Boolean – default value: true

whether edge attributes are modifiable in edit mode.

fadeIn :: Boolean – default value: false

whether new things fade in, and deleted things fade out

highlightChanges :: Boolean – default value: true

whether vertices will get the css class ‘changed’ when they are modified

inputVars :: Object – default value: {}

a mapping of variable names to vertex ids of the form { var1: 'node1' } for displaying variables that contain vertices.

minX :: Number – default value: 100

minimum width of the graph widget

minY :: Number – default value: 100

minimum height of the graph widget

persistentDragging :: Boolean – default value: true

whether the positions resulting from dragging vertices are persistent across frames in display mode.

resizable :: Boolean – default value: true

whether the graph widget is resizable

showChanges :: String Array – default value: "next"

type of frame shifts to highlight changes at, can be multiple types with an array of strings

showVertexChanges :: Boolean – default value: true

whether to flash vertices that have changed attributes

styleEdges :: Array – optional

Provides a way to add styles to path objects. Functions must return an array whose first element is an attribute name, and second element is the value.

For Example:

styleEdges: [
        if (e.f !== undefined && (e.f > 0)) {
            var width = 2 + e.f;
            return ["stroke-width", width];

vertexCssAttributes :: Object – default value: {}

provides a way to change CSS classes of vertices based on vertex attributes. takes an object of the form { attribute: value | [list of values] }. in the case of a single value, the vertex will simply get a class with the same name as the attribute. in the case of a list of values, the css class will be of the form ‘attribute-value’ when its value matches. You can also provide a function that takes a vertex and returns a class to apply to it.

For Example:

vertexCssAttributes: {
    done: true,
    color: ['white', 'gray', 'black'],
    magic: function(vtx){ return "class-" + vtx.magicAttr },

vertexHeight :: Number – default value: 30

the height of vertices in the graph

vertexLabels :: Object – default value: {}

an object containing a mapping of label positions (inner, nw, sw, ne, se) to labels. Labels can display simple variable names (corresponding to inputVars). This must be provided in the form: { label: ['var1', 'var2'] }. It can be more complicated, as a function that takes a vertex and returns some html. if we give a label an object, we can control what is shown in edit/display mode in the form: { label : { edit: function{}, display: function{} } }

For Example:

vertexLabels: {
    inner : {
        edit: function(vtx){return},
        display: function(vtx){return vtx.d}
    sw    : function(vtx){return},
    ne    : ['u', 'v'],
    nw    : ['s'],

vertexWidth :: Number – default value: 40

the width of vertices in the graph