

ArrayGuts is where array input and display happen.

Constructor Arguments

container :: String jQuery Selectorrequired

The id or a jQuery selector of the div in which this widget should draw itself.

varName :: Stringrequired

the name of variable that this widget represents

cellFormat :: Function – optional

A function that takes the raw contents of each entry and returns the html to be displayed.

cellParse :: Function – optional

A function that parses the text input from an editable cell to an internal representation.

cssRules :: Array – default value: []

an array of triples of the form [comparison, index-variable-expr, css-class] where every index in the array that matches the comparason against the given index-variable-expr receives the given css class.

For Example:

cssRules: [
    ['>', 'k', 'shaded'],
    ['=', 'k+i', 'green'],

defaultInput :: Array – default value: []

the initial value for this array

displayOnly :: Boolean – default value: false

whether the array is editable

firstCellBlank :: Boolean – optional

Leave the first cell blank.

ignoreIndexZero :: Boolean – default value: false

whether the array should appear to be 1-indexed

maxInputLength :: Number – optional

Limit input to a certain number of characters.

persistent :: Boolean – default value: false

whether to save the result of running the algorithm and to use it as the initial value upon returning to edit mode.

showCellNumber :: Boolean – default value: true

Whether to show a number above each cell.

showChanges :: String Array – default value: "next"

type of frame shifts to highlight changes at, can be multiple types with an array of strings

showIndices :: Array – default value: []

an array of index-variable-exprs of the form that show the text of the index-variable-exprs on the indices they correspond to.

showLabel :: Boolean – default value: false

whether to show the varName before the array