The VarName and VarDisplay widgets can be used in concert with fancy css styling and old fashioned tables to create our standard Vamonos look. We’ll demonstrate by implementing InsertionSort.

We start with a table with the vamonos class, with rows of the pseudocode-and-controls and variable-widgets classes. Inside the variable-widgets row, another table in order to line up variable names to widgets displaying their contents.


<table class="vamonos">
    <tr><td class="pseudocode-and-controls">
            Pseudocode goes here<br>
            Controls go here
    <tr><td class="variable-widgets">
        <table class="variable-widgets">
                <tr><td>Array name goes here</td>
                    <td>Array widget goes here</td>
                <tr><td>Variable name goes here</td>
                    <td>VarDisplay widget goes here</td>
Pseudocode goes here
Controls go here
Array name goes here Array widget goes here
Variable name goes here VarDisplay widget goes here

The VarName widget (docs) is used to display a variable name and set it as a watch-var. It has two required arguments:

Another very useful but optional argument is

Here’s InsertionSort with everything filled in, including VarName.


new Vamonos.Widget.VarName({
    container: "a-var",
    varName: "A",
    inputVar: true,
for j = 2 to A.length key = A[j] i = j - 1 while i > 0 and A[i] > key A[i + 1] = A[i] i = i - 1 A[i + 1] = key

It’s often the case that we’d like to view the contents of some variable that is not an Array or Graph. That’s what VarDisplay is for. Its constructor takes the standard required arguments:

A very fun optional argument is

Even though we already know the contents of i throught the Array widget, lets add a VarDisplay just for fun.


   new Vamonos.Widget.VarName({
       container: "i-var",
       varName: "i",

   new Vamonos.Widget.VarDisplay({
       container: "i",
       varName: "i",
for j = 2 to A.length key = A[j] i = j - 1 while i > 0 and A[i] > key A[i + 1] = A[i] i = i - 1 A[i + 1] = key