

CallStack is a representation of the stash’s call stack. It also displays the values a procedure was called with, and its return value. Note: setting “_callStack” as a watchVar will cause the visualizer to break on procedure calls and returns.

Constructor Arguments

container :: String jQuery Selectorrequired

The id or a jQuery selector of the div in which this widget should draw itself.

animate :: Array – default value: ["next"]

types of frame changes to show an animation on

formatArgumentValues :: Object – default value: {}

A mapping of arg-names to functions of arg-values to strings

formatReturnValue :: Object – default value: {}

A mapping of proc names to functions from a return-value to a string

ignoreArgumentValues :: Array – default value: []

An array of argument names ['arg1','arg2'] that should only show their name in the Call Stack.

ignoreMain :: Boolean – default value: false

CallStack will not display calls to the main procedure when set. This is useful when you’d like to use main to set variables, or do other useful housekeeping.

procedureNames :: Object – default value: {}

an object mapping procedure names (those in the Visualizer’s ‘algorithm’ argument) to their fully capitalized and formatted display forms.

For Example:

procedureNames: {
    main: "DFS",
    visit: "DFS-Visit",

resizable :: Boolean – default value: true

whether the widget should have a resize triangle